

The cat sleeping upon the complaint box


  • Book Title : The Cat Sleeping Upon The Complaint Box
  • Edition : 1
  • Category : Poems
  • ISBN : 9788196968038
  • Author : Seenu Ramasamy
  • English Translation : Latha Ramakrishnan
  • Weight : 250gm
  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Language : English
  • Publishing Year : April, 2024
  • Pages : 252
  • Code no : A5020

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The Cat Sleeping Upon The Complaint Box

The Cat Sleeping Upon The Complaint Box. The trust, Poet Seenu Ramasamy has in his readers creates such a rapport that he can lucidly communicate the most intricate feelings and responses he wants to share, whether it is from his life or his understanding of life in general. Choosing the poetic idiom directly from the native soil, Seenu Ramasamy’s poems give us the mystics feel of listening to a ritualist folk song sung with dithyrambic ecstasy.
His love for classical Tamil Sangam Poetry makes him write with ecological sensibility. Both his movies and poetry are authentic documents of indian life.
Professor N. Elango
Postgraduate Department of English,
The American College.

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